Built-in microphone or a Nuance-approved microphone.A sound card supporting 16-bit recording.Internet Explorer 11 or higher or the current version of Chrome or Firefox for Online Help.

Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7, 8.1, 10 (32- and 64-bit) Windows Server 2008 R2 & 2012 R2.Faster processors yield faster performance. Dragon turns spoken words into text and executes voice commands much faster than you can type so you can realise your productivity potential at work, school or home. CPU: Intel® dual core or equivalent AMD processor. Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 Premium speech recognition software lets you accomplish more on your computer quickly and accurately using your voice.Another option to stay productive no matter where your job takes you.Save time and eliminate reliance on costly transcription services.Improve documentation accuracy by capturing more detailed notes.No more scribbling notes on paper record thoughts and ideas on the go.Reduce the time your in-house typists spends transcribing.Reduce your outsource transcription costs.With Dragon Professional Individual 15 for Windows and a Nuance-approved Olympus digital voice recorder, you can record your voice into an audio file and Dragon will automatically transcribe the recordings when you connect to your desktop. Don’t fall behind on paperwork due to business travel or time out of the office if your preference is to dictate with a digital voice recorder, dictaphone or dictation app for your smartphone by voice.