Copy the files in \tools\flash_loader\ -> to IAR_ARM_BASE \arm\config\flashloader\Linear\DustNetworks\. For IAR versions prior to 7.4, copy the files below from your On-Chip Software Development Kit installation directory (for IAR >= 7.4, these files are already present and this step is not needed):. Create the IAR_ARM_BASE\arm\config\linker\ Linear\DustNetworks\directory. Create the IAR_ARM_BASE\arm\config\flashloader\Linear\DustNetworks\ directory. For IAR versions prior to 7.4 (for IAR versions >= 7.4, these directories already exist):. IAR_ARM_BASE=C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 6.4
Create the IAR_ARM_BASE environment variable (see Setting up the IAR_ARM_BASE Environment Variable) and set it to contain base address of your installation, e.g. Download and install your IAR copy following the standard installation procedure. IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM is available in several versions, including a product package that is designed specifically for ARM Cortex-M core families. It is easy to use, provides advanced and highly efficient optimization features, and is highly integrated with hardware, RTOS products, and middleware. More information is available at IAR Embedded Workbench incorporates a compiler, an assembler, a linker and a debugger into one IDE. IAR Systems is headquartered in Sweden, and has sales and support offices in the US, Japan, Korea, China, Germany, France, and the UK, and distributors in 30 additional countries.
IAR Systems also provides a range of integrated in-circuit debugging probes and starter kits, and the graphical state machine design tool IAR visualSTATE®.
The highly optimizing C/C++ compiler and debugger tool suite IAR Embedded Workbench® is available for 8-, 16-, and 32-bit microcontrollers from all major vendors, including all ARM cores. IAR Systems® is the world’s leading independent vendor of development tools for embedded systems.